Hurricane Heather

Team affiliation: Steel Hurtin’

Position(s): Jammer

Committee Involvement: Member of Public Relations and Head of the Banquet Committee 2009 and 2010 (and hopefully 2011)

Awards Received/Nominated for: Highest Scoring Jammer 2007, 2009, and 2010.  Most Inspirational 2007 and 2009.

Athletic Background: Varsity Cross Country Runner all four years of high school, Jam skater for over 10 years, Speed Skater for 2 years, and weight lifter for 2 years

Origin of Skater Name: On my own two feet I am a clumsy wrecking ball – running into things, tripping over my own feet, etc. but on skates I am fine. In fact I can skate better drunk than I can walking on my own two feet sober. So I guess that makes me always leave a path of destruction.

Day Job: Laboratory Technician for a Material Science Lab

Favorite Foods: Spicy Pasta and Veggies

Hobbies: Singing, Lifting, Jam skating and long distance running

Special Talents: I definitely CAN tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue! lol…but I’d say singing would be next in line.

Favorite Quote: “I don’t REALLY like to roller skate, I just like going left a lot”

Quirk(s): I have a strange obsession with “America’s Funniest Home Videos”… I HAVE to watch it before every derby game or I don’t have a good game.